Сегодня родился Николай Андреевич Андреев
26 октября 1873 года родился Николай Андреевич Андреев. Это русский скульптор и график, театральный художник. В своём творчестве отдал дань и импрессионизму, и символизму, и реализму. Автор портретов революционных деятелей. Андреев за свою жизнь создал около 100 скульптурных и 200 графических изображений Ленина. В Москве установлено несколько памятников, которые создал Андреев. Среди них: памятник Гоголю, памятник доктору Фёдору Гаазу, памятник Александру Островскому и скульптура "Рабочий".
On October 26, 1873 Nikolay Andreevich Andreyev was born. This Russian sculptor and graphic, a theatrical artist. In his creativity he paid a tribute to impressionism, symbolism and realism. Author of portraits of revolutionary figures. Andreyev for fhis life created about 100 sculptural and 200 graphic images of Lenin. In Moscow some monuments were created by Andreyev. Among them: a monument to Gogol, a monument to a doctor Fyodor Gaaz, a monument to Alexander Ostrovsky and a sculpture "Worker".
On October 26, 1873 Nikolay Andreevich Andreyev was born. This Russian sculptor and graphic, a theatrical artist. In his creativity he paid a tribute to impressionism, symbolism and realism. Author of portraits of revolutionary figures. Andreyev for fhis life created about 100 sculptural and 200 graphic images of Lenin. In Moscow some monuments were created by Andreyev. Among them: a monument to Gogol, a monument to a doctor Fyodor Gaaz, a monument to Alexander Ostrovsky and a sculpture "Worker".
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