Сегодня родился Кошкин Михаил Ильич
3 декабря 1898 года родился Кошкин Михаил Ильич. Это советский инженер-конструктор, начальник конструкторского бюро танкостроения Харьковского завода, создавшего знаменитый танк Т-34. После окончания института в 1934 году он работал в танковом конструкторском бюро Ленинградского завода им Кирова. Он быстро дошел от должности рядового конструктора до заместителя начальника КБ. За участие в создании среднего танка Т-46-5 (Т-111) получил орден Красной Звезды. Кошкин участвовал также в создании танка Т-29.
On December 3, 1898 Koshkin Mikhail Ilyich was born. This is a Soviet engineer, a chief of design office of tank construction of the Kharkov plant which created the well-known T-34 tank. After graduation from the institute in 1934 he worked in tank design office of the Leningrad plant of Kirov. He quickly reached from a position of an ordinary designer to the deputy chief of the plant. For construction of T-46-5 (T-111) he received an award of the Red Star for participation in creation of the medium tank. Koshkin participated also in creation of the T-29 tank.
On December 3, 1898 Koshkin Mikhail Ilyich was born. This is a Soviet engineer, a chief of design office of tank construction of the Kharkov plant which created the well-known T-34 tank. After graduation from the institute in 1934 he worked in tank design office of the Leningrad plant of Kirov. He quickly reached from a position of an ordinary designer to the deputy chief of the plant. For construction of T-46-5 (T-111) he received an award of the Red Star for participation in creation of the medium tank. Koshkin participated also in creation of the T-29 tank.
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