Запуск "Венера-1"
12 февраля 1961 года был запущен советский космический аппарат "Венера-1". Основной целью этого запуска было исследование планеты Венера в нашей Солнечной Системе. "Венера-1" стала первым космическим аппаратом, пролетевшим на близком расстоянии от планеты Венера.
On February 12, 1961 the Soviet Venus-1 spacecraft was launched. Research of the planet Venus in our Solar System was the main objective of this launch. "Venus-1" became the first spacecraft which flew at a short distance from the planet Venus.
On February 12, 1961 the Soviet Venus-1 spacecraft was launched. Research of the planet Venus in our Solar System was the main objective of this launch. "Venus-1" became the first spacecraft which flew at a short distance from the planet Venus.