Первое фото с Луны
Первая фотография с поверхности Луны была сделана советской автоматической станцией "Луна-9". Запуск этого космического аппарата состоялся 31 января 1966 года с космодрома "Байконур". Посадка космического аппарата на поверхность Луны оказалась успешной. "Луна-9" стала первой космической станцией, которая смогла выполнить удачную мягкую посадку на поверхность Луны. Находясь на Луне, космический аппарат сделал фотографии поверхности Луны и переслал их на Землю.
The first photo from a surface of the Moon was made by the Soviet automatic station "Luna-9". Launch of this spacecraft took place on January 31, 1966 from the Baikonur spaceport. Landing of the spacecraft to a surface of the Moon was successful. The "Moon-9" became the first space station which could execute successful soft landing to the Moon surface. Being on the Moon, the spacecraft took pictures of a surface of the Moon and sent them to Earth.
The first photo from a surface of the Moon was made by the Soviet automatic station "Luna-9". Launch of this spacecraft took place on January 31, 1966 from the Baikonur spaceport. Landing of the spacecraft to a surface of the Moon was successful. The "Moon-9" became the first space station which could execute successful soft landing to the Moon surface. Being on the Moon, the spacecraft took pictures of a surface of the Moon and sent them to Earth.