Сегодня родился Голицын Борис Борисович
2 марта 1862 года родился Голицын Борис Борисович. Это князь, русский физик, геофизик, морской офицер. Он был основоположником сейсмологии и изобретателем первого электромагнитного сейсмографа. С юности он увлекался физикой, химией, астрономией и другими науками.
On March 2, 1862 Golitsyn Boris Borisovich was born. This is a prince, Russian physicist, geophysicist, naval officer. He was a founder of seismology and the inventor of the first electromagnetic seismograph. Since his childhood he was fond of physics, chemistry, astronomy and other sciences.
On March 2, 1862 Golitsyn Boris Borisovich was born. This is a prince, Russian physicist, geophysicist, naval officer. He was a founder of seismology and the inventor of the first electromagnetic seismograph. Since his childhood he was fond of physics, chemistry, astronomy and other sciences.
- fizikçi
- gençlik
- Boris