Медвежье озеро
Целебное и соленое Медвежье Озеро расположенное в Курганской области России. Озеро подпитывается талыми водами рек Тобол и Ишим. Летом вода прогревается до 20 °C. Соленость озеро чрезвычайно высокая. Максимальная глубина составляет 1,2 метра. Средняя глубина — 0,6 метра. В озере находятся 6 островов, которые делят его на две части — Большое и Малое Медвежьи озёра. Курорт и санаторий Медвежье Озеро расположен на северном берегу озера.
The curative salty Bear lake is located in the Kurgan region of Russia. The lake is fed with thawed snow of the Tobol and Ishim Rivers. In the summer water gets warm to 20 °C. Salinity of the lake is extremely high. The maximum depth is 1,2 meters. Average depth is 0,6 meters. There are 6 islands in the lake which divide it into two parts — Big and Small Bear lakes. The resort and sanatorium the Bear Lake is located on the northern coast of the lake.
The curative salty Bear lake is located in the Kurgan region of Russia. The lake is fed with thawed snow of the Tobol and Ishim Rivers. In the summer water gets warm to 20 °C. Salinity of the lake is extremely high. The maximum depth is 1,2 meters. Average depth is 0,6 meters. There are 6 islands in the lake which divide it into two parts — Big and Small Bear lakes. The resort and sanatorium the Bear Lake is located on the northern coast of the lake.
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