Татуировка - это узоры на теле наколотые особой краской. Впервые термин "Татуировка" появился в мире благодаря английскому путешественнику Джеймсу куку. Наиболее древние тату были обнаружены во время раскопок египетских пирамид. В Египте татуировки делали только богатым и знатным людям, в том числе фараонам их семьям. Но самые первые татуировки появились во времена первобытного строя.
Tattoo is patterns on a body pinned by special paint. For the first time the term "Tattoo" has appeared in the world thanks to the English traveler James Cook. The most ancient tattoos have been found during excavation of the Egyptian pyramids. In Egypt tattoos were done only to the rich and noblemen, including Pharaohs to their families. But the very first tattoos have appeared at the time of a primitive system.
Tattoo is patterns on a body pinned by special paint. For the first time the term "Tattoo" has appeared in the world thanks to the English traveler James Cook. The most ancient tattoos have been found during excavation of the Egyptian pyramids. In Egypt tattoos were done only to the rich and noblemen, including Pharaohs to their families. But the very first tattoos have appeared at the time of a primitive system.
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