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How to learn Russian

How to learn Russian

"When you reach the top of the mountain, you will wonder how great it was to work your way up and how beautiful the view fr om here is"

Dear friends, since many many of you asked us, we are going to raise that topic. Learning language always takes your big wish, time and diligence. But there are different paths to reach the same goal - a good level of Russian.

You tell us - "Oh my God, I listened to the dialogue once and I didn't understand a word!" 

We answer you - "It is totally normal. And there is actually no need to start with learning letters and all that grammar. What you need is to find a topic fr om our posts which you are interested in and then start listening to the sound."

You ask - "Okay, so I listen to it two or three times?" 

We say - "Actually it depends on your level of Russian and the difficulty of the topic. For mastering a lesson you need to listen to it as many times as you need until you are able to distinguish and understand each sound. Usually this takes around two weeks 2 hours per day for one minute of the sound.

You say - "Okay, shall I look at the text at the same time when I am listening to the sound" 

We answer - "Good question! Answer is - first you listen to the sound for many many times, just relax and let sounds come into your mind a find there a place for themselves. And after that start combining listening to the text while following the written material of this lesson."

And now you wonder - "So I've listened and understood everything. What now?"

We - "Now it is time to repeat. Start saying the phrases of the lesson aloud just the way the native speaker on the tape does.

The lesson is considered as mastered when while looking at the text you can fluently read it as a native speaker does.

This way you are even able to pick up Russian accent, since you are listening and repeating so closely after native speakers."

You - "Wow! That's great! Thank you very much! So I can choose from any posts I like?"

We - "Yes, you are welcome to choose! But the dialogues on our website (http://ruspeach.com/dialogues/) are created specifically for that goal, because this is wh ere you can hear the whole sentences of how we speak in everyday life. By learning such dialogues you will have enough words and grammar constructions to communicate in Russian. For your help for each dialogue we've created tests, that will help you to make sure you've took everything from the dialogue, which you possibly could. 

But if you wish you can use this technique for learning from any posts that you like at our page"


Listen to a Dialogue for many times, until you understand every single sound, then, read and start repeating. So easy and you are speaking with your Russian accent already!

About the timing:
(Each dialogue considered as a lesson.)

1) Listen 
For mastering a lesson you need to listen to it as many times as you need until you are able to distinguish and understand each sound, and before this moment comes you are not advised to look in the text, just relax and let sounds come into your mind a find there a place for themselves. (Notice: usually step 1 takes around 2 weeks min. 1 hour per day)
2) Read
Second step is to combine listening to the text while following the written material of this lesson.
3) Speak
After mastering step 2 it is time to start saying the phrases of the lesson aloud just the way the native speaker on the tape does.

The lesson is considered as mastered when while looking at the text you can fluently read it as a native speaker does.

It is not a quick process, but imagine how happy you will be when the time come(after 2-3 weeks) and you will pronounce this dialogue all by yourself, knowing and understanding each world! And most probably even with Russian accent (since all this time you were listening and repeating after native speakers)!

Hope this explanation helps, 
Wish you success in your Russian studies!
Ever yours, 
Слишком холодно, чтобы быть красивой [slishkam kholadna, chtoby byt' krasivaj] - Too cold to be beautiful
Etiketler: Emotions
Уровень счастья в течение дня [uravin' schast'ya v tichenii dn'ya] - Level of happiness during a day
Счастье [schast'e] - happiness
Время [vrem'a] - time

Завтрак [zaftrak] - breakfast
Обед [ab'et] - dinner
Чаёк с печеньками [chayok s pichen'kami] - tea with cookies
Ужин [uzhin] - dinner
Сладенькое [sladin'koe] - sweet
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Resmin yaratıcısı: Андрей Паршин

Задумался [zadumals'a] - It is thinking

Остров Греэм-Белл, Земля Франца-Иосифа, Россия
The Graham-Bell Island, Franz Josef Land, Russia
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Разумеется, в воду [razumeitsa v vodu] - Of course, into the water

А вот и нет. Он превратится в весну [A vot i net. On privratitsa v visnu] - No. It will turn into spring
Etiketler: Zaman, Fiiller
Tercüme (ru-tr)
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