Связь с Твердью
Тайны русского языка - Russian language secrets
СТ - Связь с Твердью (connection with steadiness)
Or you can remember as СТ = STeadiness
Starting with "СТ" we get many names of things, that are steady and connected to earth in some way.
стойло [stòjla] - stall
стойбище [stòjbishe] - stock stand
столб [stòlp] - post, pole
СТ - Связь с Твердью (connection with steadiness)
Or you can remember as СТ = STeadiness
Starting with "СТ" we get many names of things, that are steady and connected to earth in some way.
- masa
- sandalye
- duvar
стойбище [stòjbishe] - stock stand
столб [stòlp] - post, pole