Сегодня родился Гайдукевич Виктор Францевич
12 ноября 1904 родился Гайдукевич Виктор Францевич. Это русский советский учëный, археолог, специалист в области античной археологии. После школы, он поступил в Ленинградский государственный университет на археологическое отделение Факультета общественных наук. Параллельно с учебой, он работал экскурсоводом. Виктор водил экскурсии по Эрмитажу, Шереметьевскому и Аничкову дворцам, а также по другим памятным местам города. До настоящего времени результаты работ экспедиций В. Ф. Гайдукевича активно изучаются, а многие положения его работ не потеряли своей актуальности до настоящего времени.
On November 12, 1904 Gaydukevich Victor Frantsevich was born. This is a Russian Soviet scientist, an archeologist, an expert in the field of antique archeology. After school, he entered the Leningrad state university on archaeological office of Faculty of social sciences. In parallel with studies, he worked as a guide. Victor drove excursions on the Hermitage, Sheremetyevskoma and Anichkov palaces and also in other memorable places of the city. So far results of works of expeditions of V. F. Gaydukevich have been actively studied and many provisions of his works didn't lose the relevance nowdays.
On November 12, 1904 Gaydukevich Victor Frantsevich was born. This is a Russian Soviet scientist, an archeologist, an expert in the field of antique archeology. After school, he entered the Leningrad state university on archaeological office of Faculty of social sciences. In parallel with studies, he worked as a guide. Victor drove excursions on the Hermitage, Sheremetyevskoma and Anichkov palaces and also in other memorable places of the city. So far results of works of expeditions of V. F. Gaydukevich have been actively studied and many provisions of his works didn't lose the relevance nowdays.
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