Аквапарк uShaka Marine World
Аквапарк Ushaka находится в ЮАР, в городе Дурбан и является одним из самых больших аквариумов в мире. Он был открыт в 2004 году. Здесь за морскими обитателями можно наблюдать сидя за столом в ресторане со стеклянными стенами, который полностью погружен в аквариум. На сегодняшний день это пятый в мире по размеру аквариум, который ежегодно привлекает огромное количество туристов со всех уголков планеты. Общий объем воды в аквариуме составляет 17 500 кубических метров.
The aquapark of Ushaka is situated in the Republic of South Africa, in the city of Durban and is one of the biggest aquariums in the world. It was opened in 2004. Here you can see the sea inhabitants sitting at a table in a restaurant with a glass walls that is entirely plunged into an aquarium. Today it is the fifth in the world by the size an aquarium which annually attracts a huge number of tourists from all corners of the planet. The total amount of water in this aquarium makes 17 500 cubic meters.
The aquapark of Ushaka is situated in the Republic of South Africa, in the city of Durban and is one of the biggest aquariums in the world. It was opened in 2004. Here you can see the sea inhabitants sitting at a table in a restaurant with a glass walls that is entirely plunged into an aquarium. Today it is the fifth in the world by the size an aquarium which annually attracts a huge number of tourists from all corners of the planet. The total amount of water in this aquarium makes 17 500 cubic meters.
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