Сегодня родился Проханов Сергей Борисович
29 декабря родился Проханов Сергей Борисович. Это известный советский и российский актёр театра и кино, театральный режиссёр, художественный руководитель театра Луны. Он окончил Театральное училище имени Щукина. С 1974 года Проханов был актёром Театра имени Моссовета. Большинство пьес для спектаклей театра написаны или переработаны самим Сергеем Прохановым. Сергей сыграл много ролей в кино.
On December 29 Prokhanov Sergey Borisovich was born. This is a famous Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, an artistic director of theater "Luni". He graduated from Theatrical school of Schukin. Since 1974 Prokhanov was an actor of Theatre of a name of the Moscow Council. The majority of plays for performances of theater were written or processed by Sergey Prokhanov himself. Sergey played many roles in the cinema.
On December 29 Prokhanov Sergey Borisovich was born. This is a famous Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, an artistic director of theater "Luni". He graduated from Theatrical school of Schukin. Since 1974 Prokhanov was an actor of Theatre of a name of the Moscow Council. The majority of plays for performances of theater were written or processed by Sergey Prokhanov himself. Sergey played many roles in the cinema.
- tiyatro
- Sergey
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