В этот день запустили "Марс-6"
5 августа 1973 года с космодрома Байконур в Казахстане был запущен советский космический аппарат "Марс-6". Целью миссии была первая в истории посадка на Марс и его исследование. 12 марта 1974 года автоматическая межпланетная станция "Марс-6" вышла на орбиту Марса. Когда космический аппарат совершил посадку на планету, он впервые передал на Землю параметры марсианской атмосферы, полученные во время снижения.
On August 5, 1973 from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan the Soviet spacecraft Mars-6 has been launched. The purpose of that mission was first in history landing on Mars and its research. On March 12, 1974 the automatic interplanetary station "Mars-6" has orbited Mars. When the spacecraft has made landing on the planet, it has for the first time transferred the parameters of the Martian atmosphere to Earth received during landing.
On August 5, 1973 from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan the Soviet spacecraft Mars-6 has been launched. The purpose of that mission was first in history landing on Mars and its research. On March 12, 1974 the automatic interplanetary station "Mars-6" has orbited Mars. When the spacecraft has made landing on the planet, it has for the first time transferred the parameters of the Martian atmosphere to Earth received during landing.
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