Вакцина против бешенства
Механизм передачи бешенства был описан в 1804 году немецким ученым Усенке, который проводил опыты в этой области. Открытие вакцины против бешенства стало одним из величайших открытий медицины девятнадцатого века. Создание вакцины против бешенства принадлежит французскому микробиологу Луи Пастеру. Без вакцины против бешенства человек, которого укусила бешеная собака или дикое животное погибает.
The mechanism of transfer of a rabies was described in 1804 by the German scientist Usenke who had made experiments in this area. Opening of the vaccine against rage became one of the greatest discovery of medicine of the nineteenth century. Creation of the vaccine against rage belongs to the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Without vaccine against rage people who were bitten by a rabietic dog or wild animal die.
The mechanism of transfer of a rabies was described in 1804 by the German scientist Usenke who had made experiments in this area. Opening of the vaccine against rage became one of the greatest discovery of medicine of the nineteenth century. Creation of the vaccine against rage belongs to the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Without vaccine against rage people who were bitten by a rabietic dog or wild animal die.
- 人
- 狗
- 动物
- 法语
- 德语
- 医学