Сегодня родился Арцимович Лев Андреевич
25 февраля 1909 года в Москве родился Арцимович Лев Андреевич. Это советский физик. Под руководством Арцимовича впервые в мире в лабораторных условиях осуществлена термоядерная реакция. В честь этого физика назван кратер на Луне и улица в Москве.
On February 25, 1909 in Moscow Artsimovich Lev Andreevich was born. This is a Soviet physicist. Under the leadership of Artsimovich for the first time in the world thermonuclear reaction was carried out in laboratory conditions. In honor of this physicist the crater on the Moon and the street in Moscow were called.
On February 25, 1909 in Moscow Artsimovich Lev Andreevich was born. This is a Soviet physicist. Under the leadership of Artsimovich for the first time in the world thermonuclear reaction was carried out in laboratory conditions. In honor of this physicist the crater on the Moon and the street in Moscow were called.
- physicien
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