Тверь - это город в России, расположенный в Тверской области, на берегах реки Волга. Город был основан в 1135 году. Это крупный промышленный, научный и культурный центр, а также крупный транспортный узел. На территории города расположены более 30 мостов. Тверь — порт пяти морей. Город связан с Балтийским, Белым, Каспийским, Азовским и Черными морями.
Tver is the city in Russia located in the Tver region on river banks Volga. The city was founded in 1135. It is the large industrial, scientific and cultural center, and also the large transport hub. There are more than 30 bridges in the territory of the city. Tver is a port of five seas. The city is connected with Baltic, White, Caspian, Azov and the Black seas.
Tver is the city in Russia located in the Tver region on river banks Volga. The city was founded in 1135. It is the large industrial, scientific and cultural center, and also the large transport hub. There are more than 30 bridges in the territory of the city. Tver is a port of five seas. The city is connected with Baltic, White, Caspian, Azov and the Black seas.
- centre
- scientifique
- la ville
- rive
- municipal