Впервые парфюмерия была использована в Древнем Египте. Люди в древние времена использовали травы, цветы, а также специи для создания духов. Аравийский химик Алкиндус написал в 9-м столетии книгу по духам, которую назвал «Книга Химии Духов и Дистилляции». Она содержит более ста рецептов ароматных масел, бальзамов, ароматических вод и имитаций дорогостоящих лекарств. Книга также описывает 107 методов и рецептов для создания духов.
For the first time perfumery was used in Ancient Egypt. People in ancient times used herbs, flowers, and also spices for creation of parfums. The Arabian chemist Alkindus wrote in the 9th century the book on parfums which was called "The book of Chemistry of parfums and Distillation". It contains more than hundred recipes of fragrant oils, balms, aromatic waters and imitations of expensive drugs. The book also describes 107 methods and recipes for creation of perfumery.
For the first time perfumery was used in Ancient Egypt. People in ancient times used herbs, flowers, and also spices for creation of parfums. The Arabian chemist Alkindus wrote in the 9th century the book on parfums which was called "The book of Chemistry of parfums and Distillation". It contains more than hundred recipes of fragrant oils, balms, aromatic waters and imitations of expensive drugs. The book also describes 107 methods and recipes for creation of perfumery.
- fleurs
- chimiste
- épices
- recette
- parfumerie
- livre
- pour la première fois
- plus
- baume
- médicament