Пряник - это мучное кондитерское изделие, выпекаемое из специального пряничного теста. Для особого вкуса в пряники могут добавляться мёд, орехи, цукаты, изюм, фруктовое или ягодное повидло. Верхний слой пряника покрыт кондитерской сахарной глазурью. Исторически пряник — символ праздника, поскольку его ингредиенты не относились к дешёвым и повседневным.
Gingerbread is a flour confectionery baked of the special gingerbread dough. For special taste honey, nuts, candied fruits, raisin, fruit or berry jam can be added to gingerbreads. The top layer of gingerbread is covered with a candy sugar glaze. Historically gingerbread — is a holiday symbol because its ingredients didn't belong to cheap and daily ones.
Gingerbread is a flour confectionery baked of the special gingerbread dough. For special taste honey, nuts, candied fruits, raisin, fruit or berry jam can be added to gingerbreads. The top layer of gingerbread is covered with a candy sugar glaze. Historically gingerbread — is a holiday symbol because its ingredients didn't belong to cheap and daily ones.
- symbole
- fête
- ajouter
- supérieur
- confiserie
- historique
- pas cher