Пастернак применяется в кулинарии с древних времён и в медицинских целях. Корень пастернака по виду похож на белую морковь. Он имеет сладковатый, немного пряный вкус и приятный устойчивый аромат. Пастернак добавляется в супы и салаты. Он используется для приготовления пюре, соусов, для запекания с овощами. Листья пастернака являются прекрасной пряной приправой, которая с успехом дополнит блюда из рыбы, мяса и овощей. Ну а свежую зелень, часто добавляют в различные салаты.
Parsnip is used in cookery since ancient times and in the medical purposes. The root of parsnip is similar by the form to white carrots. It has got sweetish, a little spiciness and pleasant steady aroma. The parsnip is added to soups and salads. It is used for preparation of puree, sauces, for roasting with vegetables. Parsnip leaves are fine spicy seasoning which with success could be added fish, meat and vegetables dishes. And fresh greens are often added to various salads.
Parsnip is used in cookery since ancient times and in the medical purposes. The root of parsnip is similar by the form to white carrots. It has got sweetish, a little spiciness and pleasant steady aroma. The parsnip is added to soups and salads. It is used for preparation of puree, sauces, for roasting with vegetables. Parsnip leaves are fine spicy seasoning which with success could be added fish, meat and vegetables dishes. And fresh greens are often added to various salads.
- souvent
- succès
- salade
- agréable
- une carotte
- ajouter