Мотоцикл Союз
Мотоцикл "Союз" - это первый советский мотоцикл, произведенный на московском заводе "Авиахим" № 1 в 1924 году. Максимальная скорость мотоцикла составляла 70 км/ч. Он имел трехступенчатую коробку передач. Во время испытания мотоцикл "Союз" удачно прошел трассу, протяжённостью 1 476 километров и успешно финишировал.
The motorcycle "Soyuz" was the first Soviet motorcycle made at the Moscow plant "Aviakhim" No. 1 in 1924. The maximum speed of the motorcycle was 70 km/h. It had the three-speed transmission. During testing the motorcycle "Soyuz" successfully passed the route with a distance of 1 476 kilometers long and successfully finished.
The motorcycle "Soyuz" was the first Soviet motorcycle made at the Moscow plant "Aviakhim" No. 1 in 1924. The maximum speed of the motorcycle was 70 km/h. It had the three-speed transmission. During testing the motorcycle "Soyuz" successfully passed the route with a distance of 1 476 kilometers long and successfully finished.
- successivement
- soviétique
- vitesse
- premier
- kilomètre
- usine
- temps