Факты о сороконожках
У разных видов многоножек от 30 до 354 ног. Некоторые многоножки неопасны для человека, а некоторые очень больно кусаются. Некоторые многоножки живут во влажных домах и квартирах. Они едят мух и других насекомых.
Different types of myriapods have got from 30 to 354 legs. Some myriapods are harmless for a human but the others can bite very painfully. Some myriapods live in wet houses and apartments. They eat flies and other insects.
Different types of myriapods have got from 30 to 354 legs. Some myriapods are harmless for a human but the others can bite very painfully. Some myriapods live in wet houses and apartments. They eat flies and other insects.
- personne
- très
- ça fait mal
- l`appartement