В этот день был основан Союзмультфильм
10 июня 1936 года в Москве была основана крупнейшая советская и российская государственная киностудия мультипликационных фильмов. За восемьдесят лет существования киностудии на ней создано более полутора тысяч мультфильмов в самых разных жанрах и художественных техниках, многие из которых вошли в «Золотой фонд» мировой анимационной классики.
On June 10, 1936 in Moscow the largest Soviet and Russian state film studio of animated movies has been found. For eighty years of existence of the film studio made more than one and a half thousand animated films in most different genres and art technicians, many of which were included into "Gold fund" of world animation classics.
On June 10, 1936 in Moscow the largest Soviet and Russian state film studio of animated movies has been found. For eighty years of existence of the film studio made more than one and a half thousand animated films in most different genres and art technicians, many of which were included into "Gold fund" of world animation classics.
- dessins animés
- mondial
- d'art
- technique
- soviétique