Диван (мебель)
Диван — это мягкое мебельное изделие со спинкой для сидения нескольких человек. Слово «диван» появилось в шестнадцатом веке. Первыми диванами были длинные скамьи с мягкой набивкой в канцелярских учреждениях. В основном, каркас дивана состоит из натурального дерева: сосны, ели, берёзы, ольхи. Современные диваны часто обиваются дорогими тканями или кожей и декорируются маленькими подушками.
Sofa is a soft furniture product with a back for sitting of several people. The word "sofa" appeared in the sixteenth century. long benches with soft stuffing in office institutions were the first sofas. Generally the framework of a sofa consists of a natural tree: pines, fir-trees, birches, alder. Modern sofas are often upholstered with expensive fabrics or skin and decorated by small pillows.
Sofa is a soft furniture product with a back for sitting of several people. The word "sofa" appeared in the sixteenth century. long benches with soft stuffing in office institutions were the first sofas. Generally the framework of a sofa consists of a natural tree: pines, fir-trees, birches, alder. Modern sofas are often upholstered with expensive fabrics or skin and decorated by small pillows.
- le divan
- un coussin
- mot
- petit
- cher
- long