КА "Венера-4" достигла Венеры
18 октября 1967 года впервые в истории человечества космический аппарат достиг другой планеты. Речь идет о советской автоматической межпланетной станции "Венера-4", которая была запущена с космодрома Байконур 12 июня 1967 года. К сожалению, спускаемый аппарат станции "Венера-4" был раздавлен атмосферой Венеры на высоте 28 километров от поверхности планеты. Несмотря на то, что аппарат не смог достигнуть поверхности в рабочем состоянии, на основе его измерений была полностью пересмотрена модель атмосферы Венеры, и была получена новая оценка давления у поверхности - около 100 атмосфер.
On October 18, 1967 for the first time in the history of mankind a spacecraft reached other planet. It was the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Venera-4" which started from Baikonur Cosmodrome on June 12, 1967. Unfortunately, the lander of Venera-4 station was crushed by the atmosphere of Venus at the height of 28 kilometers from a planet surface. In spite of the fact that the device couldn't reach a surface in working condition, on the basis of its measurements the model of the atmosphere of Venus was completely reconsidered, and a new estimate of the pressure at a surface - about 100 atmospheres was received.
On October 18, 1967 for the first time in the history of mankind a spacecraft reached other planet. It was the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Venera-4" which started from Baikonur Cosmodrome on June 12, 1967. Unfortunately, the lander of Venera-4 station was crushed by the atmosphere of Venus at the height of 28 kilometers from a planet surface. In spite of the fact that the device couldn't reach a surface in working condition, on the basis of its measurements the model of the atmosphere of Venus was completely reconsidered, and a new estimate of the pressure at a surface - about 100 atmospheres was received.
- cosmique
- Vénus
- historique
- la hauteur