Запуск "Пионер-8"
13 декабря 1967 года на околосолнечную орбиту был запущен американский космический аппарат "Пионер-8". Он был запущен изучения Солнца и межпланетного пространства. Всего было четыре однотипных космических аппарата серии "Пионер". Они стали одними из самых долгоживущих космических аппаратов, некоторые из которых проработали свыше 30 лет. Пионеры-6 −7 и −8 работали вплоть до середины 1990-х годов, когда связь с ними была прекращена из соображений экономии.
On December 13, 1967 the American Pioneer-8 spacecraft was launched into a circumsolar orbit. It was launched for studying of the Sun and interplanetary space. In total there were four same spacecrafts of the Pioneer series. They became one of the most long-living spacecrafts, some worked over 30 years. Pioneers-6 −7 and −8 worked up to the middle of the 1990th years when communication with them was stopped for economy reasons.
On December 13, 1967 the American Pioneer-8 spacecraft was launched into a circumsolar orbit. It was launched for studying of the Sun and interplanetary space. In total there were four same spacecrafts of the Pioneer series. They became one of the most long-living spacecrafts, some worked over 30 years. Pioneers-6 −7 and −8 worked up to the middle of the 1990th years when communication with them was stopped for economy reasons.
- quatre
- cosmique
- soleil