Сегодня родился Дунаевский Исаак Осипович
30 января 1900 года родился Дунаевский Исаак Осипович. Это советский композитор и дирижёр, музыкальный педагог. В 1924—1926 годах он был музыкальным руководителем театра «Эрмитаж», а затем Театра сатиры. Для этого театра он написал свои первые оперетты — «Женихи» и «Ножи». Дунаевский был создателем жанра советской музыкальной кинокомедии, сделав музыку одним из главных компонентов драматургии фильма. Фильм «Весёлые ребята» вышел на экраны в декабре 1934 года и принёс Дунаевскому широкую известность.
On January 30, 1900 Dunayevsky Isaak Osipovich was born. This is a Soviet composer and a orchestra conductor, a musical teacher. In 1924 — 1926 he was a musical director of Hermitage theater, and director of Theatre of satire. For this theater he wrote his first operettas — "Grooms" and "Knives". Dunayevsky was a founder of a genre of the Soviet musical comedy film, having made music one of the main components of dramatic art of a movie. The movie "Cheerful Children" was released in December, 1934 and brought to Dunayevsky wide popularity.
On January 30, 1900 Dunayevsky Isaak Osipovich was born. This is a Soviet composer and a orchestra conductor, a musical teacher. In 1924 — 1926 he was a musical director of Hermitage theater, and director of Theatre of satire. For this theater he wrote his first operettas — "Grooms" and "Knives". Dunayevsky was a founder of a genre of the Soviet musical comedy film, having made music one of the main components of dramatic art of a movie. The movie "Cheerful Children" was released in December, 1934 and brought to Dunayevsky wide popularity.
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