Заповедник Бастак
Заповедник Бастак расположен в Бассейне реки Амур на Дальнем Востоке России. Бастак закрыт для широкой публики. Всего один пешеходный маршрут в заповеднике. Путешественники должны заранее получить разрешение и сделать вакцинацию против клещевых инфекций, а количество посетителей ограничено 40 туристами в месяц.
Bastak Nature Reserve is located in the Amur River basin in the Russian Far East. Bastak Reserve is mostly closed for the general public. Here is only one hiking trail in the reserve. It is open to the public, travelers must obtain permission and make a vaccination against tick-borne infections, and amount of visitors is limited to 40 per month.
Bastak Nature Reserve is located in the Amur River basin in the Russian Far East. Bastak Reserve is mostly closed for the general public. Here is only one hiking trail in the reserve. It is open to the public, travelers must obtain permission and make a vaccination against tick-borne infections, and amount of visitors is limited to 40 per month.
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