Пирог с квашеной капустой
Для приготовления пирога с квашеной капустой нужно потушить капусту с морковью и томатом до готовности (20-30 минут). Смешать миксером все ингридиенты для теста. В смазанную форму выливаем половину теста. Сверху тертый сыр. Потом выкладываем капусту и остальную часть теста. Выпекаем в предварительно нагретой до 180 °С духовке около 40 минут. Ингредиенты: 250 г сметаны, 150 г майонеза, 2 яйца, щепотка соды, 1 стакан муки, 400 г квашеной капусты, 1 помидор, 1 морковь, 50 г сыра, соль и перец.
To make a pie with sauerkraut you need to stew cabbage with carrots and a tomato to readiness (20-30 minutes). Mix all ingredients for dough in a mixer. In the greased form we pour out a half of the dough. We put grated cheese on the top. Then we add cabbage and put the rest of the dough. We bake it at an oven previously heated to 180 °C for about 40 minutes. Ingredients: 250 g of sour cream, 150 g of mayonnaise, 2 eggs, a pinch of soda, 1 glass of flour, 400 g of sauerkraut, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 50 g of cheese, salt and pepper.
To make a pie with sauerkraut you need to stew cabbage with carrots and a tomato to readiness (20-30 minutes). Mix all ingredients for dough in a mixer. In the greased form we pour out a half of the dough. We put grated cheese on the top. Then we add cabbage and put the rest of the dough. We bake it at an oven previously heated to 180 °C for about 40 minutes. Ingredients: 250 g of sour cream, 150 g of mayonnaise, 2 eggs, a pinch of soda, 1 glass of flour, 400 g of sauerkraut, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 50 g of cheese, salt and pepper.
- một phần
- cái cốc
- trộn
- cà chua
- hạt tiêu
- cà rốt
- mayonnaise
- bắp cải
- nướng bánh
соль и перец
[sol' i perets]
- muối và tiêu