На планете насчитывается около 190 видов жимолости. Жимолость выращивают как декоративное вьющееся растение, а также ради его целебных ягод. Ее ягоды, листья и цветки используются в рецептах народной медицины. Из жимолости готовят компоты, соки, варенье.
There are about 190 types of a honeysuckle on the planet . The honeysuckle is grown up as a decorative climber, and also for the sake of his curative berries. Its berries, leaves and flowers are used in recipes of traditional medicine. Compotes, juice and jam are made from honeysuckle.
There are about 190 types of a honeysuckle on the planet . The honeysuckle is grown up as a decorative climber, and also for the sake of his curative berries. Its berries, leaves and flowers are used in recipes of traditional medicine. Compotes, juice and jam are made from honeysuckle.
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