Война 22 июня 1941
Картина от которой мурашки по коже - Папко Валентин Фёдорович "Даже не снилось. 22 июня 1941". В 4 утра без объявления войны фашистская Германия и её союзники напали на Советский Союз. Свыше 26 миллионов жителей СССР погибло за 4 года. В том числе все прадеды всех членов команды Ruspeach.com
Goosebumps picture "Not Even dreamed of. June 22, 1941" by Papko Valentin Fedorovich. At 4 a.m. without declaring war, fascist Germany and its allies attacked the Soviet Union. More than 26 million Soviet citizens died in 4 years. Including all the ancestors of all Ruspeach.com team members
Goosebumps picture "Not Even dreamed of. June 22, 1941" by Papko Valentin Fedorovich. At 4 a.m. without declaring war, fascist Germany and its allies attacked the Soviet Union. More than 26 million Soviet citizens died in 4 years. Including all the ancestors of all Ruspeach.com team members
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