Курземе - это напиток из ячменя и цикория, вкус которого напоминает кофе и служит его заменителем. При этом, он очень полезный и бодрящий. Курземе не содержит кофеина и не вредит здоровью. Можно пить этот напиток с молоком или сгущенкой. Курземе готовится также как и нерастворимый кофе.
Kurzeme is a drink from barley and chicory which reminds taste of coffee and serves as its substitute. At the same time, it is very useful and invigorating. Kurzeme doesn't contain caffeine and doesn't damage health. It is possible to drink this drink with milk or condensed milk. Kurzeme is prepared as insoluble coffee.
Kurzeme is a drink from barley and chicory which reminds taste of coffee and serves as its substitute. At the same time, it is very useful and invigorating. Kurzeme doesn't contain caffeine and doesn't damage health. It is possible to drink this drink with milk or condensed milk. Kurzeme is prepared as insoluble coffee.
- hữu ích
- được phép
- sữa tươi
- nấu nướng