Сегодня родился Гуляев Юрий Александрович
9 августа 1930 года в Тюмени родился Гуляев Юрий Александрович. Это советский оперный и эстрадный певец (баритон), композитор. В детстве в музыкальной школе Юрий учился играть на баяне. После окончания консерватории Гуляев пел в Свердловском театре оперы и балета. В своих сольных концертах Юрий исполнял арии из опер, романсы, народные песни, песни советских композиторов. Всего в репертуаре было свыше 200 произведений.
On August 9, 1930 in Tyumen Gulyaev Yury Aleksandrovich was born. It is a Soviet opera and a crooner (baritone), a composer. In the childhood at music school Yury studied to play a bayan. After graduation from conservatory Gulyaev sang in Sverdlovsk opera and ballet theater. In the solo concerts Yury executed arias from operas, romances, national songs, songs of the Soviet composers. In total there were over 200 works in his repertoire.
On August 9, 1930 in Tyumen Gulyaev Yury Aleksandrovich was born. It is a Soviet opera and a crooner (baritone), a composer. In the childhood at music school Yury studied to play a bayan. After graduation from conservatory Gulyaev sang in Sverdlovsk opera and ballet theater. In the solo concerts Yury executed arias from operas, romances, national songs, songs of the Soviet composers. In total there were over 200 works in his repertoire.
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