Сегодня родилась Румянцева Надежда Васильевна
9 сентября 1930 года родилась Румянцева Надежда Васильевна. Это знаменитая советская актриса театра и кино, певица. Она училась в Государственном институте театрального искусства Луначарского. Румянцева стала знаменитой после фильмов "Королева бензаколонки" и "Девчата". Она озвучивала несколько киноролей (Нину в "Кавказкой пленнице") и мультфильмов ("38 попугаев", "Бабушка удава"). Румянцева много путешествовала и жила за рубежом поскольку, ее муж был дипломатом.
On September 9, 1930 Rumyantseva Nadezhda Vasilyevna was born. This is a famous Soviet actress of theater and cinema, a singer. She studied in the State Institute of Theatrical Art of Lunacharsky. Rumyantseva became well-known after movies "Queen of a Gas Station" and "Girls". She sounded several movie parts (Nina in the "The Kavkazky captive") and animated films ("38 parrots", "The grandmother of a boa"). Rumyantseva traveled much and lived abroad because her husband was a diplomat.
On September 9, 1930 Rumyantseva Nadezhda Vasilyevna was born. This is a famous Soviet actress of theater and cinema, a singer. She studied in the State Institute of Theatrical Art of Lunacharsky. Rumyantseva became well-known after movies "Queen of a Gas Station" and "Girls". She sounded several movie parts (Nina in the "The Kavkazky captive") and animated films ("38 parrots", "The grandmother of a boa"). Rumyantseva traveled much and lived abroad because her husband was a diplomat.
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