Натрий наряду с калием и хлором необходим человеку в больших количествах. Содержание натрия в организме составляет 70-110 г. Из них 1/3 находится в костях, 2/3 - в жидкости, мышечной и нервной тканях. Натрий участвует во многих процессах в нашем организме. Продукты богатые натрием: морская капуста, мидии, осьминог, камбала, крабы, креветки, сардины, раки и яйца.
Sodium along with potassium and chlorine is necessary for a human in a large amount. Content of sodium in an organism is 70-110 g. 1/3 is in bones, 2/3 - in liquid, muscular and nervous fabrics. Sodium participates in many processes in our organism. Products rich with sodium are: sea cabbage, mussels, octopus, flounder, crabs, shrimps, sardines, crayfish and eggs.
Sodium along with potassium and chlorine is necessary for a human in a large amount. Content of sodium in an organism is 70-110 g. 1/3 is in bones, 2/3 - in liquid, muscular and nervous fabrics. Sodium participates in many processes in our organism. Products rich with sodium are: sea cabbage, mussels, octopus, flounder, crabs, shrimps, sardines, crayfish and eggs.
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