Компас - это устройство, облегчающее ориентирование на местности при помощи магнитной стрелки. Сегодня в мире существует несколько разных видов компасов: магнитный, астрономический, радиокомпас, спутниковый компас и другие. Первый в мире компас был изобретен в Китае для указания направления движения в пустыне. В Европе изобретение компаса относят к XII—XIII векам, однако устройство его оставалось очень простым — магнитная стрелка, укреплённая на пробке, была опущена в сосуд с водой.
The compass is a device facilitating orientation on the territory with help of magnetic pointer. Nowdays in the world there are several different types of compasses: magnetic, astronomical, radio compass, satellite compass and others. The first-ever compass has been invented in China for indication of direction in the desert. In Europe the invention of the compass was carried to the XII—XIII centuries, however this device remained very simple — the magnetic needle strengthened on a stopper has been lowered in a vessel with water.
The compass is a device facilitating orientation on the territory with help of magnetic pointer. Nowdays in the world there are several different types of compasses: magnetic, astronomical, radio compass, satellite compass and others. The first-ever compass has been invented in China for indication of direction in the desert. In Europe the invention of the compass was carried to the XII—XIII centuries, however this device remained very simple — the magnetic needle strengthened on a stopper has been lowered in a vessel with water.
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