Чайот съедобный
Чайот съедобный - это съедобное тыквенное растение. Главным поставщиком чайота является республика Коста-Рика. Все части чайота можно есть в тушёном виде, но чаще всего в пищу используются недозрелые плоды, которые варят, тушат, запекают, фаршируют или добавляют сырыми в салаты. Он может использоваться в виде чая при лечении многих болезней.
Chayote is edible pumpkin plant. The chief supplier of chayot is the Republic of Costa Rica. All parts of Chayote can be eaten stewed, but most often immature fruits are used in food which are cooked, stew, baked, stuffed or added crude to salads. Vegetable and its seeds are rich with amino acids and vitamin C. It can be used as a tea for treatment of many deseases.
Chayote is edible pumpkin plant. The chief supplier of chayot is the Republic of Costa Rica. All parts of Chayote can be eaten stewed, but most often immature fruits are used in food which are cooked, stew, baked, stuffed or added crude to salads. Vegetable and its seeds are rich with amino acids and vitamin C. It can be used as a tea for treatment of many deseases.
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