Запеченная морковь
Сочетание сладковатой моркови с корнишонами, маслинами, рыбкой понравится всем без исключения. В каждую из половинок крупной отваренной моркови положите начинку из тертого сыра, яйца, форели, маслин и корнишонов. Запеките в духовке. Ваш деликатес готов.
The combination of sweetish carrots with gherkins, olives, small fish will be pleasant for everyne. Put stuffing of grated cheese, egg, trout, olives and gherkins in each of halves of the large boiled carrots. Bake in an oven. Your delicacy is ready.
The combination of sweetish carrots with gherkins, olives, small fish will be pleasant for everyne. Put stuffing of grated cheese, egg, trout, olives and gherkins in each of halves of the large boiled carrots. Bake in an oven. Your delicacy is ready.
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