Гуашь - вид клеевых водорастворимых красок, более плотный и матовый, чем акварель. Эта краска появилась в Европе в Средние века, когда Гуашью выполнялись книжные миниатюры. Расцвет гуаши был в конце девятнадцатого века и начале двадцатого века. Гуашевые краски изготавливаются из пигментов и клея с добавлением белил.
Gouache is a type of glue water-soluble paints, more dense and opaque, than a water color. This paint appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages when book miniatures were made by Gouache. Blossoming of the gouache was in the nineteenth century and at the end of the beginning of the twentith century. Gouache paints are made of pigments and glue with addition of whitewash.
Gouache is a type of glue water-soluble paints, more dense and opaque, than a water color. This paint appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages when book miniatures were made by Gouache. Blossoming of the gouache was in the nineteenth century and at the end of the beginning of the twentith century. Gouache paints are made of pigments and glue with addition of whitewash.
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