Кипарис - это вечнозеленое дерево и кустарник с пирамидальной или раскидистой кроной. Кипарис является очень древним растением. Кипарисы распространены в Средиземноморье, на Черноморском побережье Кавказа и Крыма, в Сахаре, Гималаях, на юге Китая и в Америке. Кипарисы выращиваются в садах и парках как декоративные растения и как живые изгороди.
The cypress is an evergreen tree and a bush with pyramidal or sprawling crown. The cypress is a very ancient plant. Cypresses are widespread in the Mediterranean, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Crimea, in the Sahara, the Himalayas, in the south of China and in America. Cypresses are grown up in gardens and parks as ornamental plants and as green hedges.
The cypress is an evergreen tree and a bush with pyramidal or sprawling crown. The cypress is a very ancient plant. Cypresses are widespread in the Mediterranean, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Crimea, in the Sahara, the Himalayas, in the south of China and in America. Cypresses are grown up in gardens and parks as ornamental plants and as green hedges.