Жук-носорог широко распространен на нашей планете. Существует несколько видов жуков-носорогов. Эти жуки отлично летают. Они могут преодолеть 50 километров по воздуху без посадки. Несмотря на свои размеры и внешний вид, жук-носорог не считается вредным насекомым. Он не способен укусить или ужалить. В некоторых странах его используют как домашнее животное и продают в магазинах (Япония).
Rhinoceros beetle is widespread on our planet. There are several species of rhinoceros beetles. These bugs fly perfectly. They can overcome 50 kilometers by air without landing. Despite the sizes and appearance, the rhinoceros beetle isn't considered a harmful insect. It isn't capable to bite or sting. In some countries it is used as a pet and is sold in shops (Japan).
Rhinoceros beetle is widespread on our planet. There are several species of rhinoceros beetles. These bugs fly perfectly. They can overcome 50 kilometers by air without landing. Despite the sizes and appearance, the rhinoceros beetle isn't considered a harmful insect. It isn't capable to bite or sting. In some countries it is used as a pet and is sold in shops (Japan).
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