Збручский идол
Збручский идол - славянский каменный идол, найденный у села Гусятин в реке Збруч в 1848 году. Идол представляет собой четырёхгранный столб высотой более двух метров, высеченный из серого известняка. Идол был создан в десятом веке. По данным археологических раскопок, идол был установлен на территории святилища, расположенного на горе Бохит. В Москве, Киеве, Гродно, Варшаве, Вильнюсе, Одессе и Тернополе имеются копии этого славянского идола в натуральную величину.
Zbruchsky idol is a Slavic stone idol found at the village of Gusyatin in the river Zbruch in 1848. The idol represents the tetrahedral column more than two meters in high made from gray limestone. The idol was created in the tenth century. According to archeological excavations, the idol has been established in the territory of the sanctuary located on the mountain Bokhit. In Moscow, Kiev, Grodno, Warsaw, Vilnius, Odessa and Ternopil there are copies of this Slavic idol full-scale.
Zbruchsky idol is a Slavic stone idol found at the village of Gusyatin in the river Zbruch in 1848. The idol represents the tetrahedral column more than two meters in high made from gray limestone. The idol was created in the tenth century. According to archeological excavations, the idol has been established in the territory of the sanctuary located on the mountain Bokhit. In Moscow, Kiev, Grodno, Warsaw, Vilnius, Odessa and Ternopil there are copies of this Slavic idol full-scale.
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