Сегодня родился Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов
15 октября 1814 года в Москве родился Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов. Это знаменитый русский поэт, прозаик, драматург, художник, последователь Пушкина. Многие произведения Лермонтова были воплощены в живописи, театре, кинематографе. Его стихи обогатили русскую музыку, став основой для оперного, симфонического и романсного творчества. В творчестве Лермонтова переплелись духовные, философские и гражданские мотивы. Лермонтов был офицером. Будучи вспыльчивым человеком, Лермонтов нередко становился участником дуэлей и скандалов. Лермонтов погиб в 1841 году на дуэли со своим старым школьным приятелем майором Николаем Мартыновым.
On October 15, 1814 in Moscow Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born. This is a well-known Russian poet, a prose writer, a playwright, an artist, a follower of Pushkin. Many works of Lermontov were embodied in painting, theater, and cinema. His verses enriched Russian music, having become a basis for opera, symphonic and romancing creative works. Spiritual, philosophical and civil motives intertwined in Lermontov's works. Lermontov was an officer. Being a quick-tempered person, Lermontov was quite often a participant of duels and scandals. Lermontov died in 1841 in duel with an old school friend major Nikolay Martynov.
On October 15, 1814 in Moscow Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born. This is a well-known Russian poet, a prose writer, a playwright, an artist, a follower of Pushkin. Many works of Lermontov were embodied in painting, theater, and cinema. His verses enriched Russian music, having become a basis for opera, symphonic and romancing creative works. Spiritual, philosophical and civil motives intertwined in Lermontov's works. Lermontov was an officer. Being a quick-tempered person, Lermontov was quite often a participant of duels and scandals. Lermontov died in 1841 in duel with an old school friend major Nikolay Martynov.
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