Озеро Аракуль
Озеро Аракуль расположено на территории Челябинской области (Россия). В переводе с башкирского означает "озеро между гор". Площадь озера составляет 3 км², максимальная глубина — 12 м. В озере много рыбы, поэтому это настоящий рай для рыбаков. Озеро славится чистой водой и прекрасными видами, что привлекает сюда отдыхающих из других регионов и стран. В 1969 году озеро Аракуль было признано памятником природы.
The lake Arakul is located in the territory of Chelyabinsk region (Russia). In translation from Bashkir it means "the lake between mountains". The area of the lake makes is 3 km ², the maximum depth is 12 m. There is a lot of fish in the lake and it is a real paradise for fishermen. The lake is famous for its clear water and beautiful views, that attracts vacationers from other regions and countries. In 1969 the lake Arakul was declared a natural monument.
The lake Arakul is located in the territory of Chelyabinsk region (Russia). In translation from Bashkir it means "the lake between mountains". The area of the lake makes is 3 km ², the maximum depth is 12 m. There is a lot of fish in the lake and it is a real paradise for fishermen. The lake is famous for its clear water and beautiful views, that attracts vacationers from other regions and countries. In 1969 the lake Arakul was declared a natural monument.
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