Остров Ольхон
Остров Ольхон - это крупнейший остров на озере Байкал, расположенный в Иркутской области в России. Длина этого удивительного острова составляет 73,5 километров. Он имеет множество песчаных пляжей. На острове находится знаменитая скала Шаманка, которая является святыней. В этой скале находится Шаманская пещера с узкими коридорами. Когда-то в этой пещере совершались ритуалы. Еще одной достопримечательностью острова является Краеведческий музей имени Ревякина. Летом остров посещают множество туристов из разных регионов России и зарубежья.
The island of Olkhon is the largest island on Lake Baikal located in Irkutsk region in Russia. Length of this amazing island is 73,5 kilometers. It has a lot of sandy beaches. On the island there is well-known Shaman rock which is a shrine. In this rock there is a Shaman cave with narrow corridors. Very long time ago rituals were made in this cave. One more sight of the island is the Museum of local lore of Revyakin. In summer the island is visited by a great number of tourists from different regions of Russia and from abroad.
The island of Olkhon is the largest island on Lake Baikal located in Irkutsk region in Russia. Length of this amazing island is 73,5 kilometers. It has a lot of sandy beaches. On the island there is well-known Shaman rock which is a shrine. In this rock there is a Shaman cave with narrow corridors. Very long time ago rituals were made in this cave. One more sight of the island is the Museum of local lore of Revyakin. In summer the island is visited by a great number of tourists from different regions of Russia and from abroad.
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