Запуск "Маринер-10"
3 ноября 1973 года с космодрома на мысе Канаверал был запущен космический аппарат "Маринер-10". Целью полёта было изучение планет Венера и Меркурий. В ходе своей миссии автоматическая межпланетная станция совершила видеосъемку Венеры и Меркурия. Максимальное сближение с Венерой составило 5770 км, а максимальное сближение с Венерой составило 703 км. Это был последний аппарат серии «Маринер», поскольку аппараты «Маринер-11» и «Маринер-12» были переименованы в «Вояджер-1» и «Вояджер-2».
On November 3, 1973 from the spaceport on Cape Canaveral the spacecraft Mariner-10 was started. Studying of planets Venus and Mercury was the purpose of that flight. During the mission the automatic interplanetary station made video filming of Venus and Mercury. The maximum rapprochement with Venus was 5770 km, and the maximum rapprochement with Venus 703 km. It was the last device of the Mariner series as the devices "Mariner-11" and "Mariner-12" were renamed into "Voyager-1" and "Voyager-2".
On November 3, 1973 from the spaceport on Cape Canaveral the spacecraft Mariner-10 was started. Studying of planets Venus and Mercury was the purpose of that flight. During the mission the automatic interplanetary station made video filming of Venus and Mercury. The maximum rapprochement with Venus was 5770 km, and the maximum rapprochement with Venus 703 km. It was the last device of the Mariner series as the devices "Mariner-11" and "Mariner-12" were renamed into "Voyager-1" and "Voyager-2".
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